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Wild Bird Houses & Tables

60 products found

Create the perfect nesting environment for wild birds in your garden with our bird nesting boxes and wooden bird tables. With the right bird box cleverly placed in a sheltered, quiet spot in your garden, you're sure to have a family of birds nesting in no time. Place a bird table nearby topped up with bird food or bird feeders and have fresh water close to hand, and birds are sure to enjoy making home in your garden. Ideally choose a bird house with a metal surround to the entrance hole to deter predators. We all know how important it is to look after our feathered friends over winter when food becomes scarce but it’s actually really important to look after them all year round too, well, find out 5 ways you can help wild birds in hot weather.

60 products found
SA Products Brass Effect Bird Bath Image
SA Products Brass Effect Bird Bath
 out of 5 stars
Green Feathers Wireless Bird Box Camera Image
Green Feathers Bird Box Camera with TV Connection Image
GardenKraft LED Solar Owl Bird Bath Image
GardenKraft LED Solar Owl Bird Bath
 out of 5 stars

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