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The big Christmas clean

We know, we can't believe it either – a year has almost passed already and we’re here, just weeks away from Christmas. With so much on your to do list, we’ll help you get organised with the Christmas clean. From cleaning the oven to checking on cleaning supplies, we’ll get you ready to host in sparkling clean style!

  • Clare - copywriter
  •  7min read
The big Christmas clean

Start with a declutter

Once Christmas day hits, toys and gifts will consume your living room, so it’s best to have a declutter and put away anything you won’t need to use over the festive period. And not forgetting, you’ll need all the extra space you can get with the friends and family that’ll be popping in throughout Christmas and the new year. Here’s our tips for sorting through the clutter:

Old toys

Get the kids involved in sorting through their toys, making piles of ones to keep and ones to take to the charity shop. Keep the rest tidy in toy storage.


Invest in an ottoman that’ll hide away clutter as well as looking stylish. The ones that double up as a seat are perfect for that emergency seating that’s often required at Christmas time!

Make space

You’ll need to make the most of the space you have, so think about where the tree’s going to sit and where the extra seating’s going to be added. If you can, put away large floor standing lamps – you'll be surprised at the extra room it’ll make, and after all, your Christmas lights will help light up the room nicely.

Ornaments and knick knacks

Tidy away large ornaments and knick knacks from your windowsill and sideboard - it'll make your living space appear less cluttered and make space for those all-important Christmas decs!

Check your cleaning supplies

In the chaos of Christmas, it's easy to forget to add those everyday items to our to shopping lists. Here’s a quick rundown of those cleaning supplies that we’ll all need for Christmas and the big post-Christmas clean up...

It can never hurt to double up your products, so if you can’t remember if you have washing up liquid when you’re at the shops, it’s better to be safe than sorry!

Don't forget that buying in bulk can even save you money in the long run, thanks to our buy more, save more products!

Start with the kitchen

From cooking the dinner to people coming in and out for drinks and snacks, the kitchen will be the busiest room in your home over Christmas. So, it’s best to make sure it’s prepped and organised to make it as stress-free as possible. Here are a few tips to get you sorted:

Fridge and cupboards

Organise your cupboards so it’s easy to get to each pan when it comes to cooking the dinner. Whilst you’re there, give the cupboards a quick clean down with anti-bac spray. Clear out the fridge of any condiments and food past their best, then give it a good clean.


It’s important to stay on top of hygiene in the kitchen, so be sure to clean down surfaces with anti-bac spray or wipes before prepping any food. It’s a good idea to have hand gel on the side for guests to use too.

The big oven clean…

Thanks to our super variety of oven cleaners, you can say goodbye to stubborn, stuck-on food and being up to your elbows in grease. Discover a complete oven cleaner that'll have your cooker sparkling in no time, alongside day-to-day sprays that’ll help you keep on top of any spillages. One thing's for sure, here you'll find everything you need to keep your oven in tip-top condition. Remember, it’s important to follow instructions on the pack before you start cleaning.

Other kitchen tips

  • Give glasses and cutlery a good polish ahead of the big day
  • Store away items you won’t need
  • Set the dinner table on Christmas Eve - it saves a job for the big day.


Onto the bathroom! Keeping the bathroom clean is especially important in wintertime when coughs and colds are on the rise.

Clean the bathroom from top to bottom a few days before – focus on hygiene, like sinks, toilets, baths and showers. Then, if you have time, do the extras like giving the mirrors and windows a good shine.

Declutter what you can and pop anything unused in drawers to make space for any toiletries overnight guests may have.

Extra bathroom tips...

  • Pop a diffuser in the bathroom can to help keep a fresh scent
  • Pop some toiler cleaner in there too so guests can use it to refresh as they wish
  • Lay out freshly washed towels for guests to use.

The living room

Last but not least, the living room. Whether it’s snuggled on the sofa with a Christmas film, napping after too much food, or sharing drinks and nibbles with friends, the living room is a high traffic area so it’s an important one to keep clean and organised.

First, start with a declutter. Pop everything away that isn’t going to be used over the next week. You’ll need all the space you can get! Take the time to properly vacuum the carpet or mop the floor. Next, vacuum any upholstered furniture and cushions, use the nozzle to get in all the seams and pick up those pesky crumbs! If you have time, give the windows a quick clean, getting rid of any finger marks and smears.

Finishing touches for the living room...

  • Give any upholstered furniture a spray with a scented room spray
  • Have coasters on hand for hot cups of tea so mugs don’t damage the furniture
  • Light a scented candle before guests arrive, or opt for a plug-in air freshener to save space

We hope we’ve inspired you to freshen up ahead of Christmas, and if you have any cleaning tips you’d love to share, let us know on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok & X.