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5 ways to stay organised this year

Have you made a New Year’s resolution to sort through all your stuff? Or decided it’s time to see more of your floor? Whatever your reason for wanting to get organised, we’ve got lots of little wins that’ll help. So, let’s get cracking with our top 5 ways to stay organised this year (and beyond!).

  • Rochelle - copywriter
  •  6min read
5 ways to stay organised this year

1. Find a home for everything

If you’re always in a rush to leave the house (most definitely us 99% of the time!), why not have all your essentials ready and waiting by the door? You won’t have to waste time searching for your keys, phone and wallet if they’re already to hand. We love this nifty key storage box which you can pop on your sideboard. Then simply add a decorative storage tray alongside it for all your other bits and pieces and the morning rush won’t feel quite so manic!

2. Write it all down

Never miss another important date by keeping a note of all your appointments in one place. If you’ve got the whole family to keep in check, a large planner on the kitchen wall is a great idea. If it’s just for you, why not keep a small diary and pen to hand ready to jot down anything that pops up? We promise you won’t forget that important meeting again!

3. Meal prep like a boss

Batch cooking is a fantastic way to help save you time AND money. Plus, if you’re cooking for a large family, it’ll give you some much-needed time back as you juggle a thousand and one other things. Batch cooking ready for busier days is a great little win for family life. Having ready-prepared meals means you won’t have to cook from scratch every night so you’ll have more time to spend with the kids (or catch up on jobs!). We’ve got everything you need to become a meal prep master including pots, pans, chopping boards, knives and the all-important food boxes for freezing your tasty batch-cooked meals. Take a look at our batch cooking blog for even more ideas.

4. Label it up

Tidy is trending! And we love the latest craze of staying organised with storage jars! They come in all shapes and sizes and can be used to store anything from laundry tablets to coffee and shampoo to spaghetti! Why not paint the top of the jars with blackboard for a unique label so you always know what’s inside?

5. Have a plan

Ever feel like your week is just one big blur of meetings, appointments, and school events? Keep on top of everything by writing it all down. Have a plan at the start of each week (or day) and note down anything that needs finishing. A great way of doing this is by popping it all on a chalkboard or whiteboard. Tick things off as you go so you feel accomplished come the end of the week!

What other tips do you have for staying organised through the weekly chaos? Share them with us on Facebook and Instagram.